Lessons from a pencil

Here's an excerpt from Paulo Coelho’s Like the Flowing River,there is lesson even in the small unnoticed things. This one is thought provoking..just a simple pencil...

    First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and he always guides us according to his will.

    Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much shaper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.

    Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.

    Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So, always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

    Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.

8 Lesser known facts about me - MEME

Finally I give in for this meme stuf which is strewn across the blogosphere.Hmm so decided to start one as well.. '8 lesser known facts about me' to talk about one's own self..that isn't a difficult thing.. all of us to do it at one point or the other

So here I go .... 8 Lesser known facts about me

  1. Was chased by a ferocious cat when I was 7....well feline won over female...escaped with just a few paws here and there.
  2. Just can't stand tomatoes in any form cooked, boiled, cut, raw, juice.. ewww.. hmm.. ketchups are an exception tho ;)
  3. I respect men who can aprreciate the worth of a lady than her beauty.
  4. According to me there is nothing called destiny it is just a word to use when u don't know how to account for ur actions.
  5. When I like a song I listen to it over and over again around 40 times at a stretch... right now it is 'An Innocent man' by Billy Joel.
  6. Once I hit the roads I keep adding up the digits on the number plate of the vehicles which pass by.
  7. I don't remember spelling the word 'their' correctly until my 4th standard.. it always used to be 'thier'
  8. It is easy for me to say what I don't want and don't like rather than what I want and like.. sigh!!?!!

Rules to continue the meme:

  1. Tag atleast 5 people to continue the meme
  2. Leave a comment to the person who tagged u once u've completed.
  3. Mention the person who tagged you.
  4. Put down these rules below ur meme.
  5. keep it going :)

    The following people are tagged

    1.Laksh - one of the two-of-a-kind,always in synch
    2.Saravana - the thought machine
    3.Stephe - my most talkative companion
    4.Collins - the enigma,he can see beauty in a lot of things
    5 Karthik - he never runs out of ideas and creativity.
    6 Vinu - tamil thought machine.
    7.Partha - a great analyst,u'll find it out in his must read blog.Too good

    Random quote: "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily."
    - Zig Ziglar

Kindergarten Re-Visited :)

Down memory lane....

'Here we go marching on with arms stretched resting on de shoulders of the one before.Innocent giggles and same-pinch(es) exchanged... "Hey u are wearing new dress ya..(a beaming smile) yes my thatha got for me... hehhee.. I have Gems we will eat in interval ok-va?.. hehee
In a distance we hear the shhh...shhh...time for assembly children..no talking...which means no more holding hands... we silently fall into the -stand in fours pattern--and look straight for further instruction...Soft music fills de air teachers come forward to do the actions...and then we start singing

"God's love is so wonderful(2)
[ hmm 'wonderful' was index finger and the thumb together..the other fingers spread out!! Phew! for a KG kid that needed xtra effort]
Oh! wonderful love finger on chin Oh!
So high u can't get over it
[this was fun got to jump as high as we cud..so it was jump,fall, get up before ma'am spots u ;) ]
So deep u can't get under it bend low...pull de legs of ur neighbour
So wide u can't get around it
[both the arms spread out one full circle...merry go-round it goes on and on.till we loose balance]
Oh! wonderful love” again finger on chin

Assembly is almost over sister comes forward to say a few words..and then the morning wish and disperse... with the waltz playing at the background we march back to class with great fervour kicking and lifting the legs way upto the chin.. with mud all over de face we hurriedly pull out de water bottles for a hasty sip.. '

hmm …. happy thoughts... Those were the days,my friends life used to be awesome!! Nothing mattered but fun and frolic...

These little choruses taught years ago is still fresh in the mind.And everytime I want to thank the Lord for something or the other somehow this chorus is on my lips...

And today after years am singing the same song in a school campus very similar to our KG assembly ground and my heart invariably longs for the company of the girl who used to be my neighbour..sweet Miss.Charlotte singing.. Ms.Saldhana's strict look. Sr.Lucy and her loving smile.... the banyan tree above. the colorful appearance of the stage.. My oh my.. St.Francis Convent nursery..

Childhood memories...nothing compares..

Phrase to ponder...

Appreciation is like an insurance policy
which needs to be renewed regularly

Whose line is it anyway ? - Part 1

Somehow the famous phrases, idioms, wisdom words...or say the famous accepted quotes just don't seem to work with me.As I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs abt how 'Practice makes perfect' doesn't go well for me.Today it was 'First impression is the best impression'...uhh a couple of months ago I spoke to NJ and found her very disgusting.She was so curt & loud that I was forced to leave the place.Her unwillingness to hear me filled the air...I felt suffocated.. to be honest!!.So the so called 'First impression' was imprinted on my naive mind.
Then came along my second encounter with NJ..hmm that was sometime last week..I hesistantly walked into the room...that 'First impression' kept popping up... "oh hi so what can I do for u (followed by a warm grin)... u can call me anytime I'll be glad to help .. u've got a beautiful name ..how do u pronounce it?..." what am I hearing? I was hit hard by surprise was too shocked that I didn't really give a proper answer for any of her queries... a totally different person with the same face and same voice..whatz happenin?!!?... This kept me occupied for quite sometime..that 'first impression' thing which was etched on my mind for the past 2 months was totally wrong and what a poor way to judge a person.. :( felt ashamed of myself.regrets aside I resolved - First impression is not the best impression..the BEST is to not have an impression at all the very first time..
what say..?

well part 2 ..coming up soon ...the list goes on..
Here you go for part 2

Independence day special

It's the 60th Independence day..
At home happy and gay..
Dependent on the T.V all day...

Best business

It was rather calm and serene this morning...so I sat down to watch TV after a very long time.. Doggie Howser M.D , on ZeeCafe..itz abt a talented 16yr old doc and his funny friend.He puts his job at stake and gets approval for a million dollar fund being set up for medication to the poor and homeless.. towards the end of the episode..these lines appeared - "to many ppl medicine is a business but the best business of them all is to listen to the language of the heart".
And since then this line kept coming back to me several times during the course of the day... Language of the Heart - the small prompting from within which says stand up for what u kno is right maybe ur difference can become a miracle to ur neighbour...
and I belive to 'still' this prompting is the worst folly anybody can ever do...

Yell-ow Awe!!!

Sambhar vadai @ Annapoorna

Being a typical Coimbatorean I am hooked to the sweet siruvani water, shady race-course boulevards,the stretchy avinashi road,mild soft breeze,sprawling hills bordering the city and ofcourse always mentioned Annapoorna....hmmm..sambhar vadai@annapoorna..can anybody dare miss it!

Today at dusk I treated myself with this alluring delicacy.
After an impatient wait at the table..finally it was placed before me.. what a sight...a cute small onion right on top,beside it is a curry leaf aesthetically placed.If I were a kid ,eyes wide open I would have poked my index finger right in the middle,put it straight on to my mouth and said.......hmm taste super-la :) but alas age does matter. So silently picked the two spoons and unhurriedly cut it to pieces.
The stage is set, all drenched in sambhar it was the first pick ,put it in my mouth...hmm..hmm...remembered the word "amirtham" in tamil... [is there an apt word in English?!??].Then with the lingering aroma of the sambhar I munch my way to glory..hmm..
This has been my solace at all times..be it longer days or shorter days,excited or irritated,happy or glum,exhausted or relaxed..this is my mood revitaliser ;) Reminiscing on the conversations and the friendships built on this 8cm dia delicacy..how Madhu and I wud think of sambhar vadais and in a jiffy rush to have them :) The crispness of the vadai and the spices in the sambhar peps up the taste to exceeding heights.Wish they make bigger ones..just 5 minutes has passed and it is almost over...:(
Is it the sambhar or the vadai which is ultimate?..hmm.. do
I sound like Tom & Jerry who is better?...the show goes on..the bond continues

Frenzy emotions..eternal waits..repeated words

With just 15 min to go….almost late for the 9’o clock concall I raced
past in my green gazelle (ma scooty). Ooops red light :( the digi
clock says I need to wait for 15 sec!!.Slowed down beside a white
Santro a sneaky look at the window to make sure my hair looks
fine..now it is 10 sec.. eyes fixed to the signal lights I’m
like ‘Go green, go green fasterrrr’.. 10 sec seems like ages…eternal wait…

Phew …ew..whatz dis frenzy emotion..agitation, desperation, urgency..allput together.. but yeah once in a while this crops up.. thotzzz flash past...

Something important, interesting, thrilling happens and u’re in those
whoa!! -Life ho to aisi bindas - moments and u all so excited call ur best buddy and there her phone keeps ringing…just 3 rings and u r already muttering ‘Pick up de fone…pick it up…com’on pick it up’….long wait… "your cal is being forwarded to" …Shut uppppppppp’

All set to leave for church..pretty appy dat am starting on time…sure I’d be in for the opening prayer, find a pew right below the fan...from where I can see the choir and the altar.Reached the bus stop..hmm looks deserted..Sunday morn nah…. and then the wait begins….just to beat de monotony…I sing ‘My God is a tower & he gives me de power....in de difficult hour to crush de..’ …finally in a distance I see a bus..there I go again…”Please oh please….let it be 29L.. let it be 29L”

Not juz durin de day…even nights r d same…sometimes u go to bed with those Robert Frost thots –Promises to keep and miles to go before ..errr as soon as de dawn breaks..now that’s ma line..huh ;) – then in the middle of the night am awake all drenched in sweat..global warming taking itz toll?!! ..no no Crompton greaves slowing down..the power has gone…itz 12:30 a.m God I need to catch some sleep..tomorrow’s presentation…?!#! …..eager wait…long wait..waitin in vain .. 'Lord please Lord u kno tomorrow is an important day Lord…let the power cum'..Voila!...sometimes dis works :)

Even during competitions…I silently get off the dais and settle down in my chair.. reflecting on my performance- the others also did equally well…the judges are in an nev’r-ending discussion ..results..here am I fingers crossed hoping, dreaming ,praying most of all waiting….then like Rachel in F.R.I.E.N.D.S I hear myself sayin..‘OH MY GOD My God..my God…my God…

But I guess only these moments spice up the situation….whatever…masti vibes nah :)))


Hmm….back here after a very long time …hi page how ya doin'..?...Yeah fell a prey to being 'Regularly irregular'!!
A few months ago, all enthusiastic I started my keyboard classes and was under one amazing teacher…Gosh!! Trust me He is Mr.Perfect..Dot on time, extremely sincere, taught to his fullest..Alas! I slowly began skipping classes..and then soon became regularly irregular…. Nil practice, fingers shivering…lost correlation…co-ordination and what not…aargh
Same case with this book by Michael Crichton, my favorite author…( his novels are just too good..just two pages is enuf u'll enter an all new world techie and contemporary, rich usage of apt words, elegant expressions…he rocks!!!)..wokay this book called 'NEXT’. Interesting stuff on genetic modification and what a threat/boon it is to mankind.You know I was so captivated by this novel that I practically read it whenevr I found time that is except when I was in office….read it while walking, talkin, eating…few days later…am so reluctant to even touch the book all the characters which had become almost real-life where now lodged in some corner of ma mind..what shud I say.. haan..lost enthusiasm!! Nah lost the rhythm of enjoyin my passions..there again IRREGULARITY..
Was juz wonderin if this had been with me for years and realization dawned only recently..or..whatever
Must accept am not the kind who believes in regularity in things makes u perfect…put it simple ‘Practice makes perfect’ is/was never catchy to me…still remembered how I got screwed up by my games teacher in school coz I hardly turned out for the practice sessions…but waz de point I haven’t lost a single event..be it de 100 m dash or my forever fav High jump…co’mon isn’t winning all that matters…same with my exams always burnt the midnight oil…seeds of irregularity scattered all around :)… not exactly….picked up a lot of good habits after that…so very sure this didn’t kick off early in life…
And you know even my driving has become so erratic….slowly and gently I move past the roads on somedays, on other days it is screeching brakes jittery stops…of late fascinated by driving thru the small reflectors placed at the dividers (hope my dad doesn’t see me do it)…frequent changes..
Yeah mathematically speaking the whole thing seems like a sine curve....
Got to kick off the habit quick….kill it and maybe conduct a state funeral in my mind
with full honours …and the epitaph wud be…

Here lies the habit
Regularly Irregular
Dare u step on it!!
U’ll be ruined by it!!

R.I.P (ne’vr to rise again)
P.S: Digging strictly prohibited

yes will get back once it is done :)

Rhythmic contradictions

Love to hear
..chirping sparrows
..the unceasing tick of the clock
..a dripping water tap
...footsteps in a deserted corridor
...the graceful raindrops
...the ever-enthralling rails

But only get to hear the....
click of the mouse !!
key-taps on the keyboard!
beep from the swipe card!!
alarm on the coffee machine!
monotonous moaning of the a/c!!!

...Unanswered Question ??

She came out of the house holding her mom's hand.A calm & gentle kid dressed in all pink, neatly braided hair, beautiful shoes; listening intently to what her mom was saying... perhaps an evening walk..yeah such family moments are indispensible. Her dress is very pretty a bunch of soft laces and frills, like the ones usually worn by tots on their annual day in school.She never let go her mom's little finger and how perfectly she keeps up to her mom's pace.... gud obedient kid.. rare to spot one nowadays. Now they were at the gate, her mom paused to check the time and there they stood awaiting somebody's arrival... Just then a car pulled by and her brother got off it ,this pink doll stretced out her arms to meet her sibling.. her hands dangling in the air and her face wore a taint smile.. she was an 'unfinished masterpiece'.. but Why God?? everything seemed picture perfect just few minutes ago...with misty eyes and a dried up throat I moved away...didn't have the courage to look back.... life just doesn't have an answer for everything... but thankful and amazed that there still ppl around who can give so much of love without expecting anything in return ..

'Channel'ized expressions

Some of my friends suggested me the book 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' by Robin Sharma.They said it'll help me think clearly to take specific decisions and become a part of de elite group.hmm..talking of elite groups am reminded of those perfectly dressed gentlemen...u know like the ones in the OCM ad..but I guess everybody loves Raymond(s)..Reid and Taylor is a gud pick too am especially captivated by the logos and the marketing strategies of these big shots..oh yeah then then there is Louis Philippe-The Upper Crest..neat embroidery...but gosh!! what was i talking abt..God grant me ur Will & Grace... oops...ahem... totally lost in space ...whosh... feels like Malcolm in the middle..:(
Got it.....well books!!Nowadays ppl end up piling up a lotta books on Selfimprovement, home-improvement, how to stay smiling [u r on Candid camera dah! Yep picked it from Michelle in Full house :) whose line is it anyway?], eat healthy stay healthy...and what not.
Reading a book is like engaging in a deep conversation with the author. Eventually as we read we go through a number of arguments, reminiscence, doubts, resolutions, objections,realisations....but what really stands out is the ability within us to walk the talk. The essence of the book should blend with the personality...then u'd sure end up as an amazing (r)ace in whatever u do. The greatest advantage of reading is that u can just close the book
when u feel like.... choose when u want to listen to it..isn't that enuf space fothinking..Cooool....Wokay let me accept it..it is just not only about books and reading…usually end up saying the darndest things ..(hoo that’s Bill Cosby,one heck of a host) when I terribly miss somethin….oh YES! I MISS watchin Star World,Zee café,CNN-IBN,AXN..etc hmmm those sitcoms…here am I spending all my evenings sitting in front of my comp :) …wish life changes a bit….30 seconds to fun (fame) ;)

Beyond yonder

Beans on top...Cappuccino,Latte,Espresso,Hot water...a sudden sputter...Voila!Le café instantané
Silently I picked my cup and moved to the balcony ..
excited talks,laughs and high-fives,animated expressions..ppl ppl everywhere...
But in a distance .. it is sheer poetry at the horizon the deep purple twilight providing the perfect backdrop for the silently floating clouds...they move withouta noise...to take up another form...maybe to thrill another on-looker like me..
The clouds are so very unpredictable...you'll never know how beautiful itz gonna re-shape itself the next moment...it seems as soft as cotton...as fierce as a volcano just after the eruption..they drift away silently like aimless sheep grazing onthe highland...alluring sight.
Have you noticed sometimes the sky is so full of the clouds itz like it has snowed in the expanse of de sky.Then on other days a stunning replica of the desert sands..."The heavens declare your glory Oh!Lord"...there is so much beauty around and all for free!! :)
Suddenly the clouds beckon me promising to enthrall eternally...to loose myself in the masterpiece..just reminded .. "they shall be caught up in the clouds to meet
the Lord in the air(I Thess 4:17)"
what an experience that would be to meet the author of beauty...hmmm..
Oops! the coffee has gone cold..

24 hrs not enough!!

Sorry page :( ...didn't find time to write....will be back soon and fill u up with alot of my thoughts

All in a day's work

Analysing code for most of the time..nah not my cup of tea ..so for a change....observing people and how much of spice each adds to the other's every day life...beside me is my neighbour laughing her way to glory bcoz she feels so funny to call her supervisor and say she missed her cab..amusing funny bone trifles.Then u know at the pantry met a very nervous salesman..he admitted it was his first day at work..initial jitters..I asked for a piece of cake,he juggled with the cake server and ended up dividing the coveted cake into five parallel lines...was impressed with de geometry tho :) .What abt de office cab...its a world in itself..note carefully for some sleep is an involuntary action as soon as they settle down in a seat..eyes half-closed,a wry smile on their lips,swaying their heads first to the music and then they silently doze off...ahh Indian roads making their presence felt disturb the ambience...startled they raise just to realise they are nowhere near de destination...looking around to make sure nobody is(was) wathcin, co'mon cut it out ;)...now stop that humming and finger strumming all of us out here saw u sleep...sleep.. :-D
Eveasdropping in office..can u really help it...huh...right now there is a big group right behind me discussing Mutton biryani...how long shud the rice be boiled,how to pick the best mutton,the amount of spices to be added..but the best part amidst them sits a veggie gaping with glee or embarrasment am not able to figure out...Gosh he looks ;)..poor fella....missing de masti!!
Oops haven't had my dinner yet....God how can I miss such vital stuff :)

Genesis :)

Hmmm....so finally givin in to the surging urge I've been havin for quite sometime-"BLOGGING".Here am I in the blogger's world.....but still wondering why am here???
Revisiting my childhood dream ambition of making it big in the writer's world...or becoming an exceptional narrator for NGC (isn't that a cool profession :) still have those kinda dreamz)....
yep! must accept am ever fascinated and excited about words,the beauty of language.
People often say music is the language of the soul...but i believe its only words and words are all..Oh my why am I quoting de song..!!
Neways my camaraderie with words continues..a lucid attempt to express my thotzzz..