
Hmm….back here after a very long time …hi page how ya doin'..?...Yeah fell a prey to being 'Regularly irregular'!!
A few months ago, all enthusiastic I started my keyboard classes and was under one amazing teacher…Gosh!! Trust me He is Mr.Perfect..Dot on time, extremely sincere, taught to his fullest..Alas! I slowly began skipping classes..and then soon became regularly irregular…. Nil practice, fingers shivering…lost correlation…co-ordination and what not…aargh
Same case with this book by Michael Crichton, my favorite author…( his novels are just too good..just two pages is enuf u'll enter an all new world techie and contemporary, rich usage of apt words, elegant expressions…he rocks!!!)..wokay this book called 'NEXT’. Interesting stuff on genetic modification and what a threat/boon it is to mankind.You know I was so captivated by this novel that I practically read it whenevr I found time that is except when I was in office….read it while walking, talkin, eating…few days later…am so reluctant to even touch the book all the characters which had become almost real-life where now lodged in some corner of ma mind..what shud I say.. haan..lost enthusiasm!! Nah lost the rhythm of enjoyin my passions..there again IRREGULARITY..
Was juz wonderin if this had been with me for years and realization dawned only recently..or..whatever
Must accept am not the kind who believes in regularity in things makes u perfect…put it simple ‘Practice makes perfect’ is/was never catchy to me…still remembered how I got screwed up by my games teacher in school coz I hardly turned out for the practice sessions…but waz de point I haven’t lost a single it de 100 m dash or my forever fav High jump…co’mon isn’t winning all that matters…same with my exams always burnt the midnight oil…seeds of irregularity scattered all around :)… not exactly….picked up a lot of good habits after that…so very sure this didn’t kick off early in life…
And you know even my driving has become so erratic….slowly and gently I move past the roads on somedays, on other days it is screeching brakes jittery stops…of late fascinated by driving thru the small reflectors placed at the dividers (hope my dad doesn’t see me do it)…frequent changes..
Yeah mathematically speaking the whole thing seems like a sine curve....
Got to kick off the habit quick….kill it and maybe conduct a state funeral in my mind
with full honours …and the epitaph wud be…

Here lies the habit
Regularly Irregular
Dare u step on it!!
U’ll be ruined by it!!

R.I.P (ne’vr to rise again)
P.S: Digging strictly prohibited

yes will get back once it is done :)
2 Responses
  1. The Revival Says:

    may be ur case is better than mine ??
    my level of enthusiasm cant be measured in the opening phase...and god knows how it gets detoriated..

  2. "Regularly Irregular"

    I think its due to the IT Mnc work culture flxible timings,Unbalanced work style.

    MS,CTS might hav ruined a lot :-)