'Channel'ized expressions

Some of my friends suggested me the book 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' by Robin Sharma.They said it'll help me think clearly to take specific decisions and become a part of de elite group.hmm..talking of elite groups am reminded of those perfectly dressed gentlemen...u know like the ones in the OCM ad..but I guess everybody loves Raymond(s)..Reid and Taylor is a gud pick too am especially captivated by the logos and the marketing strategies of these big shots..oh yeah then then there is Louis Philippe-The Upper Crest..neat embroidery...but gosh!! what was i talking abt..God grant me ur Will & Grace... oops...ahem... totally lost in space ...whosh... feels like Malcolm in the middle..:(
Got it.....well books!!Nowadays ppl end up piling up a lotta books on Selfimprovement, home-improvement, how to stay smiling [u r on Candid camera dah! Yep picked it from Michelle in Full house :) whose line is it anyway?], eat healthy stay healthy...and what not.
Reading a book is like engaging in a deep conversation with the author. Eventually as we read we go through a number of arguments, reminiscence, doubts, resolutions, objections,realisations....but what really stands out is the ability within us to walk the talk. The essence of the book should blend with the personality...then u'd sure end up as an amazing (r)ace in whatever u do. The greatest advantage of reading is that u can just close the book
when u feel like.... choose when u want to listen to it..isn't that enuf space fothinking..Cooool....Wokay let me accept it..it is just not only about books and reading…usually end up saying the darndest things ..(hoo that’s Bill Cosby,one heck of a host) when I terribly miss somethin….oh YES! I MISS watchin Star World,Zee café,CNN-IBN,AXN..etc hmmm those sitcoms…here am I spending all my evenings sitting in front of my comp :) …wish life changes a bit….30 seconds to fun (fame) ;)

Beyond yonder

Beans on top...Cappuccino,Latte,Espresso,Hot water...a sudden sputter...Voila!Le café instantané
Silently I picked my cup and moved to the balcony ..
excited talks,laughs and high-fives,animated expressions..ppl ppl everywhere...
But in a distance .. it is sheer poetry at the horizon the deep purple twilight providing the perfect backdrop for the silently floating clouds...they move withouta noise...to take up another form...maybe to thrill another on-looker like me..
The clouds are so very unpredictable...you'll never know how beautiful itz gonna re-shape itself the next moment...it seems as soft as cotton...as fierce as a volcano just after the eruption..they drift away silently like aimless sheep grazing onthe highland...alluring sight.
Have you noticed sometimes the sky is so full of the clouds itz like it has snowed in the expanse of de sky.Then on other days a stunning replica of the desert sands..."The heavens declare your glory Oh!Lord"...there is so much beauty around and all for free!! :)
Suddenly the clouds beckon me promising to enthrall eternally...to loose myself in the masterpiece..just reminded .. "they shall be caught up in the clouds to meet
the Lord in the air(I Thess 4:17)"
what an experience that would be to meet the author of beauty...hmmm..
Oops! the coffee has gone cold..

24 hrs not enough!!

Sorry page :( ...didn't find time to write....will be back soon and fill u up with alot of my thoughts

All in a day's work

Analysing code for most of the time..nah not my cup of tea ..so for a change....observing people and how much of spice each adds to the other's every day life...beside me is my neighbour laughing her way to glory bcoz she feels so funny to call her supervisor and say she missed her cab..amusing funny bone trifles.Then u know at the pantry met a very nervous salesman..he admitted it was his first day at work..initial jitters..I asked for a piece of cake,he juggled with the cake server and ended up dividing the coveted cake into five parallel lines...was impressed with de geometry tho :) .What abt de office cab...its a world in itself..note carefully for some sleep is an involuntary action as soon as they settle down in a seat..eyes half-closed,a wry smile on their lips,swaying their heads first to the music and then they silently doze off...ahh Indian roads making their presence felt disturb the ambience...startled they raise just to realise they are nowhere near de destination...looking around to make sure nobody is(was) wathcin, co'mon cut it out ;)...now stop that humming and finger strumming all of us out here saw u sleep...sleep.. :-D
Eveasdropping in office..can u really help it...huh...right now there is a big group right behind me discussing Mutton biryani...how long shud the rice be boiled,how to pick the best mutton,the amount of spices to be added..but the best part amidst them sits a veggie gaping with glee or embarrasment am not able to figure out...Gosh he looks ;)..poor fella....missing de masti!!
Oops haven't had my dinner yet....God how can I miss such vital stuff :)

Genesis :)

Hmmm....so finally givin in to the surging urge I've been havin for quite sometime-"BLOGGING".Here am I in the blogger's world.....but still wondering why am here???
Revisiting my childhood dream ambition of making it big in the writer's world...or becoming an exceptional narrator for NGC (isn't that a cool profession :) still have those kinda dreamz)....
yep! must accept am ever fascinated and excited about words,the beauty of language.
People often say music is the language of the soul...but i believe its only words and words are all..Oh my why am I quoting de song..!!
Neways my camaraderie with words continues..a lucid attempt to express my thotzzz..