A Dream to build a day on..

Today was one of those beautiful days I woke up with a broad smile and a very plesant feeling.A dream to build a day on! My earliest memory of you is the St.Francis kindergarten maybe we stood next each other singing 'I'm a little teapot short and stout' in Ms.Uma's class.. Giggling as we imitated the big fat teapot. The kg class photo I treasure because of people like u that little face.. your bushy ponytail..your beautiful red frock. we grew up exchanging short shy smiles as our paths crossed in tht sprawling campus.Never a word was spoken,twas a bus journey which got us talking.It kinda felt we picked up the conversation from where we left in kindergarten!! Then it was no going back been the sort of friends everyone envied.walking hand in hand joking and yapping all the time.I still remember how are eyes met often and the glance made sure we were in synch.I love the nostalgia the watch u gifted me brings.. The last time we met was at ur wedding and both of us felt it's a good bye and tWas indeed. No tears no promises.Just a touch of genuine love and sweet friendship.I don't where you are.. how u're doing but this morn gal u made my day by stepping in... into my dreams.. Thank you
with smiles,
.. as u say it Pepsi:)
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    nice article- straight from the heart! I can very well relate to one of those most special but out of touch friendships..

    i think actually a lot of our life is built on and out of such relationships

    hope your paths cross soon! :-)
