Solace at Solana

It was just another Friday evening stepped out of work with a 'donno know what to do next' mood.I heard my mobile ring announcing there is something good brewing at home,weekend planning is usually a series of phone calls and off we wud go on a sudden trip.Before I could say 'Hello' the voice on the other end announced,'Heyyy! hurry we are going to the beach in an hour'.I said smile on my face.

After an hour we were heading north.It was a winding road edged with tall trees an occasional rise and fall in the terrain.One such rise in the road revealed a beautiful skyline dotted with colorful air balloons.For a couple moments I imagined myself on one of them..looking down from up above on par with the drifiting clouds just a closer look at the fluff and puff.In a few minutes we pulled up and in front of us lay the majestic Pacific sunkissed and silent.It was a perfect evening... with the sun shying away slowly.. we were a dazzled group silently watching the mighty ball descend.The wide canvas, a perfect picture beautifully colored in shades of orange, purple and red.Just then a group of birdies in their best v-style flew past.A sponaneous flash of Jonathan Livinstone seagull.As the sun dipped low there was an urge within me wanting it to rise above a li'l bit for just another glimpse unwilling to let go the beauty.And then it struck how unredeemable time and events are! :p With the purple sky casting its spell we stepped into the chill waters.We trotted the shoreline in deep silence a group of 5 people relishing each moment lost in the spectacle put up by nature.As the waves swept my feet it was as Nathanial Hawthorne says - "there is something in the encounter(with the waves) that makes the heart flutter with a strangely pleasant sensation"

In a distance were a group of kids gigling and shouting enjoying the cool sea breeze and slimy sand.The sea was receeding increasing their play area..sand buckets and castles soon crowded the beach.To see one's footprints in the sand evokes a fascination, every step followed by a keen glance.Footprints beside sea shells and pebbles and then you are invariably drawn to pick a few of them reminiscence of chilhood days of how these stuffs used to be treasured.. drawing pleasure out of nostalgia!!.With the mist slowly descending we saw the lone fisherman cast his rod in a new location.He was patience personified but yet focussed.we hurried to have a look at his bounty with little hope of finding any fish..but boy! it was full with fishes in all shapes and color.Was all the patience we saw on his face for that last fish of the day!!.. Ah!this is what hobbies can do to men :)

The cold air forced us out of the beach but nevertheless the evening at Solana beach was worth every bit.Allowing oneself to be immeresed in nature was more solace than anything else.With no serious thoughts it was a simple but powerful remainder of the Reason behind the excellence.

Afterthought : Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose
1 Response
  1. Hey it seems you have a great time in the solace beach..nice..Even i have lots of memories which i didn't pen down.
    Bangalore -Nandhi hills
    USA hopkinton park.
    chennai beach.
    //there is something in the encounter(with the waves) that makes the heart flutter with a strangely pleasant sensation" only i think i might have got these feelings in the shores.

    Allowing oneself to be immeresed in nature was more solace than anything else.//

    True words and well said.!