Lessons from a pencil

Here's an excerpt from Paulo Coelho’s Like the Flowing River,there is lesson even in the small unnoticed things. This one is thought provoking..just a simple pencil...

    First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and he always guides us according to his will.

    Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much shaper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.

    Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.

    Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So, always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

    Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.

8 Lesser known facts about me - MEME

Finally I give in for this meme stuf which is strewn across the blogosphere.Hmm so decided to start one as well.. '8 lesser known facts about me' to talk about one's own self..that isn't a difficult thing.. all of us to do it at one point or the other

So here I go .... 8 Lesser known facts about me

  1. Was chased by a ferocious cat when I was 7....well feline won over female...escaped with just a few paws here and there.
  2. Just can't stand tomatoes in any form cooked, boiled, cut, raw, juice.. ewww.. hmm.. ketchups are an exception tho ;)
  3. I respect men who can aprreciate the worth of a lady than her beauty.
  4. According to me there is nothing called destiny it is just a word to use when u don't know how to account for ur actions.
  5. When I like a song I listen to it over and over again around 40 times at a stretch... right now it is 'An Innocent man' by Billy Joel.
  6. Once I hit the roads I keep adding up the digits on the number plate of the vehicles which pass by.
  7. I don't remember spelling the word 'their' correctly until my 4th standard.. it always used to be 'thier'
  8. It is easy for me to say what I don't want and don't like rather than what I want and like.. sigh!!?!!

Rules to continue the meme:

  1. Tag atleast 5 people to continue the meme
  2. Leave a comment to the person who tagged u once u've completed.
  3. Mention the person who tagged you.
  4. Put down these rules below ur meme.
  5. keep it going :)

    The following people are tagged

    1.Laksh - one of the two-of-a-kind,always in synch
    2.Saravana - the thought machine
    3.Stephe - my most talkative companion
    4.Collins - the enigma,he can see beauty in a lot of things
    5 Karthik - he never runs out of ideas and creativity.
    6 Vinu - tamil thought machine.
    7.Partha - a great analyst,u'll find it out in his must read blog.Too good

    Random quote: "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily."
    - Zig Ziglar

Kindergarten Re-Visited :)

Down memory lane....

'Here we go marching on with arms stretched resting on de shoulders of the one before.Innocent giggles and same-pinch(es) exchanged... "Hey u are wearing new dress ya..(a beaming smile) yes my thatha got for me... hehhee.. I have Gems we will eat in interval ok-va?.. hehee
In a distance we hear the shhh...shhh...time for assembly children..no talking...which means no more holding hands... we silently fall into the -stand in fours pattern--and look straight for further instruction...Soft music fills de air teachers come forward to do the actions...and then we start singing

"God's love is so wonderful(2)
[ hmm 'wonderful' was index finger and the thumb together..the other fingers spread out!! Phew! for a KG kid that needed xtra effort]
Oh! wonderful love finger on chin Oh!
So high u can't get over it
[this was fun got to jump as high as we cud..so it was jump,fall, get up before ma'am spots u ;) ]
So deep u can't get under it bend low...pull de legs of ur neighbour
So wide u can't get around it
[both the arms spread out one full circle...merry go-round it goes on and on.till we loose balance]
Oh! wonderful love” again finger on chin

Assembly is almost over sister comes forward to say a few words..and then the morning wish and disperse... with the waltz playing at the background we march back to class with great fervour kicking and lifting the legs way upto the chin.. with mud all over de face we hurriedly pull out de water bottles for a hasty sip.. '

hmm …. happy thoughts... Those were the days,my friends life used to be awesome!! Nothing mattered but fun and frolic...

These little choruses taught years ago is still fresh in the mind.And everytime I want to thank the Lord for something or the other somehow this chorus is on my lips...

And today after years am singing the same song in a school campus very similar to our KG assembly ground and my heart invariably longs for the company of the girl who used to be my neighbour..sweet Miss.Charlotte singing.. Ms.Saldhana's strict look. Sr.Lucy and her loving smile.... the banyan tree above. the colorful appearance of the stage.. My oh my.. St.Francis Convent nursery..

Childhood memories...nothing compares..

Phrase to ponder...

Appreciation is like an insurance policy
which needs to be renewed regularly