...Unanswered Question ??

She came out of the house holding her mom's hand.A calm & gentle kid dressed in all pink, neatly braided hair, beautiful shoes; listening intently to what her mom was saying... perhaps an evening walk..yeah such family moments are indispensible. Her dress is very pretty a bunch of soft laces and frills, like the ones usually worn by tots on their annual day in school.She never let go her mom's little finger and how perfectly she keeps up to her mom's pace.... gud obedient kid.. rare to spot one nowadays. Now they were at the gate, her mom paused to check the time and there they stood awaiting somebody's arrival... Just then a car pulled by and her brother got off it ,this pink doll stretced out her arms to meet her sibling.. her hands dangling in the air and her face wore a taint smile.. she was an 'unfinished masterpiece'.. but Why God?? everything seemed picture perfect just few minutes ago...with misty eyes and a dried up throat I moved away...didn't have the courage to look back.... life just doesn't have an answer for everything... but thankful and amazed that there still ppl around who can give so much of love without expecting anything in return ..